I had several svn repos online, and wanted to create complete backups containing all revisions.
So, I wrote a Python script to automate the process.
(It looks like there's a project rsvndump that does something similar, but I knew that what I wanted could be done in a few lines of Python.)
First, set the values in the first few lines to point to your repo, then run the script.
url = 'https://url.of.repo/svn/'
output = '/full/path/to/desired/output'
username = 'user.name'
import os , subprocess , shutil
from os.path import join , exists
def runwithshell ( listArgs ):
print ( ' ' . join ( listArgs ))
popen = subprocess . Popen ( listArgs , shell = True , stdout = subprocess . PIPE )
stdout = popen . communicate ()[ 0 ]
return stdout . rstrip (), popen . returncode
def run_assertsuccess ( cmd ):
assert '|' in cmd
cmd = cmd . split ( '|' )
stdout , ret = runwithshell ( cmd )
assert ret == 0
def go ():
assert exists ( output )
os . chdir ( output )
run_assertsuccess ( 'svnadmin|create|lrepo' )
if sys . platform . startswith ( 'win' ):
assert ':' in output , 'full path needed'
fout = open ( 'lrepo/hooks/pre-revprop-change.bat' , 'w' )
fout . write ( '' )
fout . close ()
else :
assert output . startswith ( '/' ), 'full path needed'
fout = open ( 'lrepo/hooks/pre-revprop-change' , 'w' )
fout . write ( '#!/bin/sh \n exit 0;' )
fout . close ()
run_assertsuccess ( 'chmod|+x|localrepos/hooks/pre-revprop-change' )
run_assertsuccess ( 'svnsync|init|--username|' + username +
'|file:///' + output + os . dirsep + 'lrepo|' + url )
run_assertsuccess ( 'svnsync|sync|--username|' + username +
'|file:///' + output + os . dirsep + 'lrepo' )
def createExportDump ():
assert exists ( output )
os . chdir ( output )
run_assertsuccess ( 'svnadmin|dump|.' + os . dirsep +
'lrepo|--incremental|>|out.dump' )
if __name__ == '__main__' :
go ()
createExportDump ()
print ( 'saved to out.dump' )
Later, to restore from the dump, you can run from a console,
svnadmin create newrepo
svnadmin load ./newrepo < out.dump
How do I download my Subversion history