It is not commonly known, but a standard TI-83 calculator can actually play audio! All you need is headphones with a smaller jack that fits in the calculator's link port. (Sometimes cell-phone headsets are the right size). An assembler program can control what is sent out of the port, and so it just sends an audio signal. The OmniCalc tools provide a function for this.
So I sequenced and coded the Mario theme!
real(31,"X" Disp "MARIO THEME" Disp "SEQUENCED BEN FISHER 2005" Disp "PLUG IN THE HEADPHONES" Pause Lbl A real(31,"T200O4L8EL4EEL8CL4EGO3P4GP4" real(31,"T200MSL4O4CP8O3GP8EP8AMLAMSL8A-L4A" real(31,"T200MLO3L8GL4O4EL8GL4AL8FMSGP8L4EL8CDL4O3B." real(31,"T200MNL4O4CP8O3GP8EP8ABL8B-L4A" real(31,"T200MLO3L8GL4O4EL8GL4AL8FMSGP8L4EL8CDL4O3B." For(A,1,2) real(31,"T200O4MLP4L8GF+FL4D+L8EP8O3G+AO4MSCP8O3AO4CD" If A=1 real(31,"T200O4MLP4L8GF+FL4D+L8EP8L4O5CL8CL4CP4" If A=2 real(31,"T200P4MSL4D+P8DP8MLL2CP2" End real(31,"T200MNO4L8CL4CCL8CL4DL8EL4CL8O3AL2G" real(31,"T200MNO4L8CL4CCL8CL4DL8EP4P8P2" real(31,"T200MNO4L8CL4CCL8CL4DL8EL4CL8O3AL2G" Goto A Pause Disp "UNPLUG" PauseBack