Build from source (optional)
download Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler for Python 2.7
(you must use this compiler version for C runtime compatibility)
make a destination directory, such as C:\path\scite-with-python
save VCForPython27.msi to C:\path\scite-with-python
open an Administrator cmd prompt. One way to open this is to press Windows-X, go to the little menu that appears in the bottom right of the screen, and choose "Open Cmd Prompt (Admin)".
run cd C:\path\scite-with-python
run msiexec /i VCForPython27.msi ALLUSERS=1
then, open any cmd prompt that can run git,
run cd C:\path\scite-with-python
git clone
then, open any cmd prompt, and run
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft\Visual C++ for Python\9.0\vcvarsall.bat"
if there is no such file, try this instead
"C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft\Visual C++ for Python\9.0\vcvarsall.bat"
then unzip src/scite/scite/python/
into src/scite/scite/python/libs
(there should now be a file src/scite/scite/python/libs/python27.lib
unzip src/scite/scite/bin/
into src/scite/scite/bin
(there should now be a file src/scite/scite/bin/python27.dll
unzip src/scite/scite/bin/tools_internal/wincommondialog/
into src/scite/scite/bin/tools_internal/wincommondialog
(there should now be a file src/scite/scite/bin/tools_internal/wincommondialog/wincommondialog.exe
then run these commands,
cd "C:\path\scite-with-python\scite-with-python\src\scite\scintilla\win32"
nmake -f scintilla.mak
cd "C:\path\scite-with-python\scite-with-python\src\scite\scite\win32"
nmake -f scite.mak
everything is now compiled, you can run
to start SciTE (it does require x86 Python 2.7 to be installed, though).