Previous: Glacial Backup
Previous: Glacial Backup
Next: Microsoft
Next: Microsoft


Keyboard Shortcut (Windows) Result
Ctrl+' Insert accented character
Ctrl+* Toggle current fold
Ctrl+- Go to previous caret location
Ctrl+. Stop executing
Ctrl+/ Word part left
Ctrl+Shift+/ Extend selection word part left
Alt+1 Open tab 1
Ctrl+1 Copy current folder
Alt+2 Open tab 2
Alt+3 Open tab 3
Alt+Shift+3 Line numbers
Ctrl+Shift+3 Word count/sum
Alt+4 Open tab 4
Alt+5 Open tab 5
Alt+6 Open tab 6
Alt+7 Open tab 7
Alt+8 Open tab 8
Ctrl+Shift+8 View whitespace
Alt+9 Open tab 9
Ctrl+Shift+9 End of line
Ctrl+Shift+: Open user options file
Ctrl+; Open global options file
Ctrl+A Select all
Ctrl+Add Zoom in
Ctrl+B Expand abbreviation
Ctrl+Shift+B Box comment
Backspace Delete back
Shift+Backspace Delete back
Alt+Backspace Undo
Alt+Shift+Backspace Redo
Ctrl+Backspace Delete word left
Ctrl+Shift+Backspace Delete line left
Ctrl+C Copy
Ctrl+D Duplicate
Ctrl+Shift+D Duplicate line
Delete Delete
Shift+Delete Cut
Ctrl+Delete Delete word right
Ctrl+Shift+Delete Delete line right
Ctrl+Divide Set zoom
Down Line down
Shift+Down Extend selection line down
Alt+Down Move line down
Alt+Shift+Down Extend rectangular selection line down rect
Ctrl+Down Line scroll down
Ctrl+E Match brace
Ctrl+Shift+E Select to brace
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+E Change encoding
End Line end
Shift+End Extend selection line end
Alt+End Line end display
Alt+Shift+End Extend rectangular selection line end rect
Ctrl+End Document end
Ctrl+Shift+End Extend selection document end
Ctrl+Enter Complete word
Escape Cancel
Ctrl+F Find
Ctrl+Shift+F Find in files
F1 Next bookmark
Shift+F1 Previous bookmark
Alt+F1 Bookmark next select
Alt+Shift+F1 Bookmark prev select
Ctrl+F1 Toggle bookmark
Ctrl+Shift+F10 Switch to file in corresponding folder
Shift+F11 Set language text
Ctrl+F11 Use monospaced font
F12 Search for selected term (definition)
Shift+F12 Search for selected term (all references)
Ctrl+F12 Search for selected term (declaration)
F3 Find next
Shift+F3 Find previous
Ctrl+F3 Find selected text
Ctrl+Shift+F3 Find selected text upwards
F4 Next message
Shift+F4 Previous message
Ctrl+F4 Close
Ctrl+Alt+F4 Close all
F5 Go
Shift+F5 Clear output
F6 Next tab
Shift+F6 Prev tab
Ctrl+F6 Switch pane
Ctrl+Shift+F6 Switch pane
F7 Build
Shift+F7 Clean
Alt+F7 Spellcheck selected text
Ctrl+F7 Compile
F8 Output
Shift+F8 Parameters
Ctrl+G Go to
Ctrl+Shift+G Search filenames
Ctrl+H Replace
Ctrl+Alt+H Switch to header
Home VS-style home
Shift+Home Extend selection vs-style home
Alt+Home Home display
Alt+Shift+Home Extend rectangular selection vs-style home rect
Ctrl+Home Document start
Ctrl+Shift+Home Extend selection document start
Ctrl+I Change lines
Ctrl+Shift+I Coding reference
Ctrl+Alt+I Incremental search
Insert Edit toggle overtype
Shift+Insert Paste
Ctrl+Insert Copy
Ctrl+J Go up to top
Ctrl+Shift+J Select up to top
Ctrl+K Go down to next
Ctrl+Shift+K Select down to next
Ctrl+L Line delete
Ctrl+Shift+L Line delete
Left Char left
Shift+Left Extend selection char left
Alt+Shift+Left Extend rectangular selection char left rect
Ctrl+Left Word left
Ctrl+Shift+Left Extend selection word left
Ctrl+M Commonly opened files
Ctrl+Shift+M Open in new window
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+M Open new doc in new window
Ctrl+N New
PageDown Page down
Shift+PageDown Extend selection page down
Alt+Shift+PageDown Extend rectangular selection page down rect
Ctrl+O Open
Ctrl+Shift+O Open selected filename
Ctrl+P Print
Ctrl+Shift+P Save a copy
Ctrl+PageDown Next tab
Ctrl+PageUp Prev tab
PageUp Page up
Shift+PageUp Extend selection page up
Alt+Shift+PageUp Extend rectangular selection page up rect
Ctrl+Q Block comment or uncomment
Ctrl+Shift+Q Stream comment
Ctrl+R Wrap
Ctrl+Shift+R Revert
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+R Preview regex
Return New line
Shift+Return New line
Right Char right
Shift+Right Extend selection char right
Alt+Shift+Right Extend rectangular selection char right rect
Ctrl+Right Word right
Ctrl+Shift+Right Extend selection word right
Ctrl+S Save
Ctrl+Shift+S Save as
Ctrl+Space Complete symbol
Ctrl+Shift+Space Show calltip
Ctrl+Subtract Zoom out
Ctrl+T Change indentation settings
Ctrl+Shift+T Reopen closed tab
Tab Tab
Shift+Tab Back tab
Ctrl+Tab Next tab
Ctrl+Shift+Tab Prev tab
Ctrl+U Change casing
Ctrl+Shift+U Make selection uppercase
Up Line up
Shift+Up Extend selection line up
Alt+Up Move line up
Alt+Shift+Up Extend rectangular selection line up rect
Ctrl+Up Line scroll up
Ctrl+V Paste
Ctrl+W Close
Ctrl+Shift+W Line transpose
Ctrl+X Cut
Ctrl+Y Redo
Ctrl+Shift+Y Print current variable (Python)
Ctrl+Z Undo
Ctrl+[ Prev paragraph
Ctrl+Shift+[ Extend selection prev paragraph
Ctrl+\ Word part right
Ctrl+Shift+\ Insert text marking a new section
Ctrl+] Next paragraph
Ctrl+Shift+] Extend selection next paragraph
Ctrl+Shift+_ Go to next caret location

