This file contains helper functions for DNA sequences and user-defined parameters.
Provides a database abstraction layer.
No other C file needs to even see the sqlite headers.
svdb_txn_open, svdb_txn_commit, svdb_txn_close
are transaction helpers. By putting svdb_txn_close in the cleanup
part of your function, if the function exits early it will rollback the
transaction, just like you want it to.
The svdb_qry caches query objects for reuse, more efficient than creating
a new query object.
svdb_init_if_needed will discard a database if it is corrupt, incomplete,
started by a future version of the program, or created with other
parameters. (if you've changed params, we should not used cached
data but start from scratch). Stored in TblProperties.
TblDistances stores similarities between regions.
svdb_distances_retrieve gets the n rows with highest similarity scores.