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Glacial Backup
Glacial Backup
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Additional features

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View information

Shows a summary of backup information, like this,

Screenshot view info

View logs

Log text files are saved on disk, primarily for diagnostics.

Verify archive integrity

Compares checksums to confirm the integrity of .tar files.

Run tests

Runs tests. Requires ffmpeg to be installed, see the prereqs in the last item on the options page.

Run backups with low-privilege account

We support running GlacialBackup in a secondary user account that has restricted privileges. This can be useful for running as a background task, or to reduce the impact of any security vulnerability in xz or ffmpeg (note that the use of ffmpeg is disabled by default).

Text file list of files to back up

Hidden feature: if the readytoupload directory for your group is at


Create a text file at


with a list of filepaths, one per line, and these files will be backed up.